Check here all the available models:


3 in 1 Modular Design


Easy & simple open-close manual operation


Easy upgrade from "BASIC" to "SPRING" or "ELECTRIC" version by JUST adding one of our kits (s-Kit or e-Kit) of your preference, thanks to our specially designed Quick Release Lever (QRL). By achieving this, we managed to create huge capability for B2B customers as they can store 3 times more stock, and B2C customers can upgrade their basic version easily any time with no use of tools or special knowledge.
(Patent Numbers: EPO EP22185152.0, EP22185538.0, EP22185542.2, EP22185540.6)


Easy & comfort use

Upgrade from Basic to "SPRING" version by simply adding our s-Kit. Put spring motion to roll top cover and work more efficiently.
(Patent Numbers: EPO EP22185152.0, EP22185538.0, EP22185542.2, EP22185540.6)


Easy and automatic use with motor & AI Smart control

Upgrade from Basic to "ELECTRIC" version by simply adding our e-Kit.
Our futuristic e-Kit includes:
• Specially designed AI controller board with the following specs:
✓ No need calibration. The only motor system in the global market with no need of calibration to each vehicle’s trunk body length, as it does it automatically.
✓ Soft open/close feature: Specially programmed system which provides soft open/close feature for smoother usage.
✓ Maintenance popup alerts: The first roll top cover in the global market that informs you to clean canister’s drainages in case of water is blocked inside. Also is the only roll top cover that calculates rolling time for open/close process and inform you to clean and lubricate the side rail parts for smoother rolling.
✓ Mobile App facilities.
✓ You can stop and lock your roll top cover at any point by step-less auto locking.
✓ Obstacle feature with embodied sensors.
✓ Triple operation system (Mobile Phone Application, Rear slat "One Touch" operation, Key Fob remote).
• Electric Motor tested in the most extreme conditions.
• Specially designed key fob remote.
(Patent Numbers: EPO EP22185152.0, EP22185538.0, EP22185542.2, EP22185540.6)

4 MODES of operation

Key fob remote

Specially designed key fob remote for the main functions of the roll top cover (open/close/pause & lights) with design philosophy and quality of Tessera4x4 accessories (included only with e-Kit).
(Patent Numbers: EPO EP22185152.0, EP22185538.0, EP22185542.2, EP22185540.6)

Mobile Phone Application + Voice Commands

Simply download "Tessera Roll+ App" on your mobile phone (compatible with iOS/Android/AppGallery) to control your roll top cover and to experience a whole new environment of facilities and VOICE commands (available only with e-Kit).
(Patent Numbers: EPO EP22185152.0, EP22185538.0, EP22185542.2, EP22185540.6)

 Download Here:

  • One Touch is Enough

    The only roll top cover in the global market with embodied sensors built into our rear slat, allows you to control (open/close/pause)* with precision and security the roll unit with an effortless tap (activated only with e-Kit).
    *(for security reasons this method works only when you are close to the pickup vehicle with your mobile phone).
    (Patent Numbers: EPO EP22185152.0, EP22185538.0, EP22185542.2, EP22185540.6)


Experience a whole new environment of configurations

✓ OPEN/CLOSE/PAUSE functions.
✓ ON/OFF led light bars (red bar, logo & white bar).
✓ ON/OFF emergency extra alarm system.
✓ Obstacle alerts.
✓ ON/OFF emergency hazard lights function.
✓ ON/OFF function of red led light bar as extra brake light.
✓ ON/OFF function of red led light bar as extra beam light.
✓ Brightness control of red led light bar and logo. Adjust red led light bar brightness with your truck's brake lights and beam lights.
✓ Brightness control of internal white led light bar. Adjust internal white led light bar brightness with your needs of your load.
✓ Timer control for all LED lights.
✓ ON/OFF "One Touch" function of rear slat as control button.
✓ Voice Commands activation for all basic commands of your Tessera Roll+ (Open/Pause/Close & Lights): Available for Siri (with shortcuts) in iOS devices & Google Assistant in Android devices.
✓ Tessera Roll+ close Reminder: Reminder option if Tessera roll+ is left open for 15, 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes.
✓ Bluetooth PIN change.
✓ Double-Click function: Enabling this command necessitates a double-press action on the open/close button of your key fobs (not in Tessera Roll+ App) to initiate the associated directives. Please be advised that this functionality is accessible exclusively with firmware version 2.17 and later.
✓ Bluetooth Disable.
✓ Remote Control Pairing.
✓ Cleared Remote Controls.
✓ Check firmware.
✓ 3 info circles: ROLL open/close times, White led light bar operation time, Red led light bar operation time.
✓ Maintenance pop up alerts:
* Blocked water in canister's area.
* Clean & Lubricate side rails parts.
* Electric Motor Failure.
✓ Share operation log file.
✓ Model.
✓ Device name.
✓ Serial Number.
✓ Hardware.
✓ Firmware.
✓ Firmware date.

✓ Shop Online.
✓ Specials Offers.
✓ Owner’s Manual.
✓ Installation Manuals.
✓ Installation Videos.
✓ E-brochures.
✓ Tessera Roll+ (Unique features).
✓ Find Dealers.
✓ Contact us.
✓ Enhance your automotive experience with Tessera Roll+! Elevate your car collection by seamlessly adding Tessera Roll+ to unlock a world of customization. Personalize your vehicle names, track unique serial numbers, and tailor Tessera Roll+ settings to suit your individual preferences.
✓ Read all our news for Tessera Roll+.
✓ Change Password.
✓ Push Notifications.
✓ Biometric Authentication.
✓ App Pin.
✓ Delete Account.


Download Here:


Obstacle feature

Tessera Roll+ cover has the ability to recognize obstacles (e.g. cargo, luggage, etc.,) thanks to the located physical sensors built into the rear slat and with no usage of motor current. Achieving a more accurate and secure protection, a long lasting life of motor and the ultimate performance against to any weather conditions (e.g. ice, snow, etc.,) (activated only with e-Kit).
(Patent Numbers: EP22185538.0, EP22185542.2, EP22185540.6)

    Red LED Light Bar & Logo
    A beautiful and practical red led light bar, that can be used as extra beam light, brake light and in case of e-Kits as an obstacle warning flash alert or even as an emergency alarm. (Patent Numbers: EP22185538.0, EP22185542.2, EP22185540.6)

White LED Internal Light Bar

A moving full-length white led light bar located inside the rolling end slat which brightens and highlights the focus of the trunk bed area (regardless of the load in the trunk area).
(Patent Numbers: EP22185538.0, EP22185542.2, EP22185540.6)


Specially made side rail parts (5mm thickness)

Specially made side rails (thickness: 5mm), which follows 100% the shape and design of the trunk’s rail parts (in length and width). As a result, this provides better insulation from weather conditions and a strong and durable installation procedure for all types of roll bars, side handrails and loading bars for heavy usage. It also offers you the flexibility to combine it with original accessories (OEM), such as roll bars.
(Patent Numbers: WO 2014/053863, No. 1008153, No. 1007595)


T-slots rack for NO Drill accessories

Side rails parts with built in T-slots for easy and secure installation with NO DRILL of extra accessories like: Roll bars, side handrails and cross racks.


Installation kit for roll bars and side handrails with NO Drill (CAUTION: ONLY for light use)

Now it is available as extra accessories our specially designed roll bar kit (RB-Kit) and side handrails kit (KOY-Kit) for installing these accessories in our built in T-slots with no need for drilling (CAUTION: ONLY for light use (max. load 70kg)).

Ultimate Security Systems


Knife proof slats

Specially designed wider, stronger and “Knife proof” slats, for 100% security of the load.


Internal Locking System (ILS)

Specially designed internal locking system to prevent unauthorised access. Unlock Tessera Roll+ by just pulling the strap or the locking internal handle and make your daily life easier. Better protection and usage in low temperatures.


Aluminium Locking Teeth (ALT)

The only roll top cover with “AUTOMATIC ALUMINIUM” locking teeth for maximum security (no plastic) of the load.


& Water Proof

    ELECTRIC MOTOR & SPRING (DDS) Located & protected inside the aluminium (heavy duty) central shaft (Direct Drive System). The only roll top cover that its motor takes NO EXTRA SPACE of the trunk load area (available only with s-Kit & e-Kit).
    MAINTENANCE FREE (DTS) in transmission system (Dynamic Transmission System). (Patent Number: EPO EP22185152.0)

Ultimate Weather Proof Systems


Side rail drainages

Specially designed 2 big drains into the side rails parts.


2 main drains into the canister area

Specially designed 2 main oversize drainage systems Φ20 with 2 overflowing systems in the canister body, tested to last in the most extreme weather conditions (60 litres/min).


The one and only Anti-Leaf System (ALS)

The only roll top cover in the global market with a specially made obstruction system (anti-leaf system), to protect the water drains of canister from leaves and small trash.
(Patent number: EP19151572.5)



Specially designed slats with embedded silicon seal for the best protection to rainy days.


Perfect protection

Provides perfect protection to any weather conditions because of the combination of sealed side rail parts with our specially designed slats.

Makes your life easy & practical


Easy access to canister’s body any time

Specially designed canister cover enabling to have easy access and control of your Tessera Roll+.


Maximum load capacity

An innovative design of rear slat in combination of the smallest canister's dimensions (Double Cab 20cm x 23cm (HxW) & Space cab / Single cab / American models  26cm x 30cm (HxW)), offers the advantage of maximizing load net capacity both in length and height.


Vertical clearance

Tessera Roll+ continues its heritage (from Tessera4x4 Roll SOT-ROLL series) and sits above your truck bed, so there’s more height under the roll top cover.

Strong & Durable Shaft

Heavy Duty


We became even quicker

Easy and extremely quick installation without drilling holes in the trunk area (installation with holes in cases with extra accessories (e.g.: roll bars, side handrails, loading bar) for heavy usage, water drainages (without bedliners) and in cases of wiring cables).



Can be installed easily in vehicles with or without bed-liners. In case of bed-liners can be easily installed with UNDER-rail types or OVER-rail types with no need for the rail part to be cut.


Our next generation powder coat finish

New generation of Super Durable fine textured powder coatings. Due to its superior weathering resistance (3 years in Florida weather resistant), it is recommended for architectural and other demanding applications where gloss, colour retention and long-term aesthetics are significant.
✓ Exceptional abrasion resistance.
✓ Increased chemical resistance.
✓ Low sensitivity to pollution.
✓ Superb edge coverage that reduces the risk of corrosion.
✓ Stable structure at different film thicknesses.
✓ Very good transfer efficiency and penetration to difficult areas.
✓ High yield due to low density.
✓ All PP 600 Ammos products are heavy metal and TGIC free.
✓ PP 600 Ammos is approved by QUALICOAT for Class 2 - Category 1 (Approval number: P-0780).
✓ Neokem applies certified quality and environmental management systems as per: ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
✓ PP 600 Ammos is applied at a thickness of 60-100 microns by electrostatic spray or trio-charging equipment to ensure full coverage and therefore colour homogeneity.
✓ The curing of the powder occurs in a suitable convection oven 15 minutes at 190 °C.


Aerodynamics to boost fuel economy

It contributes to aerodynamics and overall driving experience especially at high speeds and windy days. Also offers far more favourable fuel efficiency.

Designed with Nature in mind

    Environmental Certification
    We are certificated with TUV Austria EN ISO 14001:2005

Handmade accessories by Tessera4x4

The only 100% handmade aluminium roll top cover (Tessera Roll+ series) in the global market, made with finest raw materials and artistry / craftsmanship of Tessera4x4 accessories with 35 years of experience in the automotive industry.


• 3 Years Warranty for the failure of materials and workmanship.
• 1 Year Warranty for hardware parts (remote key fob, AI Smart board, lights) from the date of purchase.


  • Beware of Counterfeits!

    Verify our original (Genuine) premium Tessera Roll+ by checking its marked plastic parts.

Tessera4x4 Certified

    Tessera4x4 accessories is moving forward following international regulations regarding the quality certification of its products and following environmentally responsible methods.
    EN ΙSO 9001:2015
    TUV AUSTRIA AUTOMOTIVE Approval for Management Systems (development & production) of body parts for 4x4 vehicles.
    EN ISO 14001:2005

Greek Innovation

8 Patents

    5 European Patents
    European Patent Office (EPO): EP22185152.0, EP22185538.0, EP22185542.2, EP22185540.6, EP19151572.5
    1 International Patent World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO): WIPO Hague (WIPO053863)
    2 National Patents Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation (OBI): Νο.1007595, Νο.10081553

Summary Features List (per version)

Basic VersionBasic version + s-KitBasic version + e-Kit
Click HereClick HereClick Here
(no spring/no motor)
Strap (Manual)
4 MODES of operation
(Remote control/Mobile App/Voice Commands/One Touch)
Red Led Light Bar:
Beam light
Beam light ON/OFF (Mobile App)
Brake light
Brake light ON/OFF (Mobile App)
Emergency hazard lights system
Emergency hazard lights system ON/OFF (Mobile App)
Obstacle warning flash alert
Adjust brightness of beam lights
White Led Light Bar:
Switch ON/OFF
Remote control ON/OFF
Mobile App ON/OFF
Timer configuration (min.)
Adjust brightness
Security | Protection
Obstacle feature (with physical sensors)
Auto stop & locking feature
Knife proof slats
Internal Locking System (ILS)
Aluminium Locking Teeth (ALT)
Central shaft (Direct Drive System)
Electric motor & spring (DDS) located to shaft
Side rail drainages
2 main drains into the canister area Φ20
Anti-Leaf System (ALS)
Slats with embedded silicon seal
Biometric authentication to App
Pin code to App
Bluetooth pin to App
3 in 1 Modular Design (Quick Lever)
No need motor calibration
Soft open/close feature
Auto stop & locking feature
Accessibility with Siri/Google Assistant etc.,.
ONE Touch function ON/OFF
Smallest canister's dimensions (20cm x 23cm) and (26cm x 30cm)
Specially made side rail parts (5mm thickness)
Quick installation
Installation with all types of Bedliners (over/under rail)
T-slots rack for NO Drill accessories
Installation kit for roll bars with NO Drill
Vertical clearance
Aerodynamics to boost fuel economy
Maintenance pop up alerts (Blocked water in canister,
clean & lubricate side rails & motor failure)
Operation circles (rolls, lights)
Share event history of operation
New remote controls pairing
Clear paired remote controls
Bluetooth ON/OFF
Easy access to canister’s body any time
Maintenance Free (DTS) in transmission system 
Νext generation powder coat finish
Patents | Certificates
8 Patents
3 Certificates

Why Tessera Roll+?

Top BenefitsWholesalersWholesalers | End customersCompetition
Modular 3-in-1 Design               
With just one product code per model, Tessera Roll+
effortlessly transforms into three unique configurations.
Here’s why this matters for your business:
Optimize Storage Efficiency:
Save valuable warehouse space by stocking a single
product instead of three.
Cut Shipping Costs by a Third:
Enjoy significantly reduced shipping expenses with
fewer product variations.
Minimize Stock Risk:
Lower your leftover stock risk by carrying one versatile
product instead of multiple.
Simplify Forecasting:
Streamline your inventory management with more
predictable ordering.
Effortless Transformation:
Upgrade with ease using the S-Kit (spring-assisted)
or E-Kit (electric) —no tools or expertise needed,
thanks to the Quick Release Lever.
Ultimate Flexibility:
Customers have the flexibility to upgrade their
Tessera Roll+ whenever they choose, ensuring their
setup always meets their evolving needs.
Smart AI Control Board
The world's only roll-top cover equipped with an
advanced Artificial Intelligence control board.
Here's what that means for you:
Auto Calibration
No special steps are required! The motor auto-calibrates
during the initial fitting, and no special procedure is
needed for motor replacement, even in low temperatures,
ensuring smooth and effortless performance in all conditions.
Maintenance Pop Up Alerts 
The most common claims for all roll top covers around
the world are for maintenance. For the end user is not
easy to remember to follow the proper care and usage
instructions and as a result they identify or realise the
problems too late. As a consequence they will have
to be charged for additional costs of the damaged
spare parts or they won’t have the proper functionality
to their roll tops. Now Tessera Roll+ users have the
advantage to receive pop up maintenance alerts directly
to their mobile as they stay connected with their
Tessera Roll+ all the time. So they will be notified for the
most important and common issues like: 
a) Canister Cleaning
Easily clear blocked water from the canister area to
prevent potential issues with the entire structure,
including the spring or motor, ensuring long-lasting
and reliable performance.
b) Side Rails Maintenance & Lubrication Alert 
The system intelligently tracks the roll's opening and
closing times. After some cycles, if the standard time
is exceeded, it notifies you that it's time for cleaning
and lubricating the side rail parts, ensuring optimal
performance and longevity.
c) Motor Failure
In case there is an issue with the motor or with the wiring.
Share Event History 
Tessera Roll+ users can easily access and share the
full event history and functionality of their roll.
This feature ensures top-notch after-sales support,
offering the best service experience customers
could ever imagine.
4 MODES of operationX
a) Specially Designed Remote Controls
Tailored for ease and precision, our remote controls
offer seamless operation of the Tessera Roll+,
ensuring convenience and total control at your fingertips.
b + c) Mobile App & Voice Commands
Control your Tessera Roll+ effortlessly with
our intuitive mobile app and voice command
feature. Enjoy hands-free convenience and
smart functionality, right from your smartphone
or through simple voice prompts.
d) The unique “ONE Touch” function
The end slat of Tessera Roll+ acts as a large, durable
aluminum button, eliminating the need for physical
buttons on the side rails like competitors. Unlike other
systems, ours is weatherproof, fully operational in low
temperatures, and protected from damage or theft,
ensuring reliable performance in any condition.
Electric Power to the Rolling Part
Tessera4x4 is the first and only company worldwide to
successfully bring electricity to the rolling part of the cover.
This innovation results in:
a) Innovative Red LED Light Bar
Designed for both beauty and practicality, the red LED
light bar enhances your Tessera Roll+ with versatile
functionality. It can be used as a beam light, brake
light, and—when paired with the e-Kit—serves as an
obstacle warning signal or even as hazard lights during
emergencies. Safety and style combined!
b) Full-Length Moving White LED Light Bar 
Tessera Roll+ features a unique, full-length white LED
light bar embedded in the moving end slat. It dynamically
illuminates any place of the trunk bed, ensuring
optimal lighting no matter the load. Unlike competitors'
fixed side or front lights, which can be easily obstructed,
our moving LED light guarantees full visibility and c
onvenience in any situation.
c) Integrated Physical Sensors in the End Slat
Tessera Roll+ incorporates advanced physical
sensors directly into the end slat.
These sensors function as the primary control
button, providing easy access, and serve as
obstacle detectors, enhancing safety and ensuring
smooth operation without the risk of damage.
Advanced Obstacle Detection with Physical Sensors
A new safety standard by embedding physical sensors
directly into the end slat, allowing it to detect obstacles
in real-time without relying on motor current. Unlike
competitors, who use motor current for obstacle
detection—posing safety risks, especially for children,
and leading to quicker motor wear—our system ensures 100%
reliable and secure operation, preserving the motor's
longevity and safeguarding against potential hazards.
Heavy-Duty Shaft Design
Strategically located within the canister area, the
heavy-duty shaft securely houses either the spring
(S-Kit) or electric motor (E-Kit), ensuring complete
protection and sealing. This design eliminates the
need for additional space in the trunk for the motor,
unlike competitors who place it in an external side
box or a second shaft with a larger canister.
Our solution keeps the motor safe and out of the
trunk bed, maximizing storage space and
enhancing durability.
Innovative & Compact Design
Featuring an advanced design where the end slat
retracts smoothly into the canister area, along with
the smallest canister dimensions on the market—
just 20cm x 23cm (or 26cm x 30cm for
Space Cab/Single Cab/American models)—
this solution maximizes load capacity in both length
and height. In contrast to competitors where the
end slat extends beyond the canister, this design
ensures more efficient use of space without
sacrificing functionality.
Mobile App Configurations
Unlock a world of possibilities with our mobile app,
offering a seamless and intuitive environment for
personalized configurations.
a)  Lighting Adjustments                                                                         
Take full control of your lighting with easy adjustments
via the mobile app. Customize settings such as on/off,
brightness levels for red and white lights, white light
timer, and more
b) Effortless Remote Control Pairing
Easily pair new remote controls through the mobile app
in case of loss. The process is quick and seamless,
ensuring you can regain full control without any hassle.
c) Voice Control with Siri & Google Assistant
Enhance convenience with full accessibility through Siri
and Google Assistant. Simply use voice commands to
operate your system, making hands-free control easier
than ever.
d) Monitor Operation Cycles & Lighting
Keep track of your system’s performance with real-time
monitoring of operation cycles and lighting settings.
Stay informed about your Tessera Roll+ activity and
ensure everything is functioning optimally with ease.
e) Comprehensive Online Support                                                            
Access everything you need with ease—detailed
installation guides, instructional videos, product
brochures, and expert support are all available online.
Get the help you need, anytime, anywhere,
for a seamless experience.
✓ The One and Only Anti-Leaf System (ALS)   
Uniquely engineered for superior protection, this system
is the only roll-top cover on the global market featuring
a specialized Anti-Leaf System (ALS). It prevents leaves
and small debris from clogging the water drains in the
canister, ensuring smooth operation and long-lasting
performance without the need for constant maintenance.
✓ 5mm Thick Side Rail Parts          
Expertly crafted and 100% handmade, these 5mm thick
side rails are designed to perfectly match the shape and
dimensions of the truck’s rail parts, both in length and width.
This precision offers several key benefits:
a) Superior Weatherproof Insulation
Protecting your truck bed from all weather conditions.
b) Reinforces Vehicle Rail Parts
Adding extra strength and stability. 
c) Versatile Installation Surface
For all types of roll bars, side bars, cross bars and loading bars.
Aluminium Locking Teeth (ALT)
The only roll-top cover on the market featuring automatic
aluminum locking teeth (no plastic), delivering unmatched
security for your cargo.