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Aluminium flat side steps
Suzuki SX4Code: SKA 205 AL
Suzuki SX4Code: SKA 205 AL
/http://api.tessera4x4.com/Uploads/Products/asx ska 205 al 123.jpg)

/http://api.tessera4x4.com/Uploads/Products/asx ska 205 al 123.jpg)

Aluminium flat side steps
Suzuki SX4Code: SKA 205 AL
Suzuki SX4Code: SKA 205 AL
Aluminium flat side steps for the easier access of the passenger’s cabin, specially adjustable bases provides passive side security, as an additional step adjustment (inside-out) based to the needs of each customer (pair) (installation without drilling & soldering).
Another 4x4 product that complements the already successful range of 4x4 off road accessories of the company Tessera4x4.
/http://api.tessera4x4.com/Uploads/Products/asx ska 205 al 123.jpg)
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